Final Fantasy XII: Zodiac Age Collector Edition Unboxing

I have played it for several days, and the original PS2 version as well. The graphic is high def now, much better than the PS2 version. They have also made new music although you have the option to use the old ones too.

I highly recommend the game for all FF fans. They made some changes: now each character can have 2 license boards, a.k.a classes. That’s perfect because you have 6 chars and 12 classes in total. You can try all of them in one play through. But my favorite feature of Zodiac Time is the speed up option. You can set the speed up amount to 2X or 4X. Then in game, press L1 to switch between normal and speedy modes. This will affect in game timer but animations, music etc. are not affected.

The game play is now all about strategy, because after setting up gambits, you don’t need to control the fight. You only walk up and your party will automatically fight for you.

I will post more on this game later.

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