FEH Legendary Jan 2018

Red: Legendary Ike, Sanaki, Siegbert

Green: Gunnthra, Performance Azura, Summer Xander

Blue: Fjorm, Summer Robin Female, Brave Lucina,

Colorless: Takumi, Summer Frederick, Faye

Thea highest price would be legendary Ike and performing Azura. What color will you pull?

Two days later, there will also be a hero fest banner. Brave Lyn, Brave Ike, Sigurd, and Nephenee will be in it, with an initial 5* rate of 5%.

Edit: Legendary Ike is good but not that great. He’s only slightly better than the original Ike.

Ike:                     42/35/31/32/18  158 BST

Legendary Ike: 41/36/30/35/21  163 BST

If you have Ike already, you can use him the same way. And the earth blessing only adds 3 HP and 2 ATK.

FEH Blessing Season Schedule and next legendary heroes

Blessing is a new feature added to Fire Emblem Heroes with the introduction of legendary heroes back in end of November 2017. If a hero is conferred with an element, then during the corresponding season, the hero can be 8 points stronger if goes in battle with the corresponding legendary hero. Blessing seasons are in sync with Arena reasons that they cycle on every Tuesday.

Here is a list of blessing seasons in the past for your reference:

11.28 (Tue) ~ 12.4 (Mon) Water earth. Fjorm, the legendary hero of Water

12.5 (Tue) ~ 12.11 (Mon) Water Wind

12.22 ~ 12.18 Fire water

12.19 ~ 12.25 water earth

12.26 ~ 1.1 water wind, Gunnthral, the legendary hero of Wind, out on 28th

1.2~1.8 Fire wind

1.9~1.15 Wind earth

With this pattern, 1.16~22 would be Wind, water, 1.23~29 maybe Wind Fire, which is likely to be the January legendary hero reveal date. It implies that the next legendary hero would be fire, corresponding to red, and the last one in Feb would be earth, corresponding to colorless. There are 2 movement types left, armored and flying. It would be rule breaking if they introduce a flying bow or dagger user. Or armored healer who can carry Ward Armor. I guessed they’d have one who can dance, but since Azura can already fly, it’s more likely to be a flying healer or ranger in February. Either way, I’d like that new legendary hero to join my force. If it’s a dagger user, it would be a usable one to debuff for Gunnthral but not occupying the previous spot to hit enemies.

Another fact revealed by the schedule is, if you want to cover all time, you need at least 3 legendary heroes and their corresponding teams (blessings are consumable so it’s not recommended to switch).

The tentative red armor unit would be strong too, stronger than Zelgius to draw whale’s attentions. But seriously, I think both Winter Tharja and Zelgius are pretty broken already.

The armor and flying legendary heroes will boost def and atk of blessing conferred units. We don’t know who will get what yet.

FEH Armor Emblem on New Year 2018

The New Year banner with Azura, Camilla and Takumi is no doubt a must draw for most of you, featuring the first flying dancer. However I’m following my own rule strictly until I get enough Amelia and Hector. So, I’m only pulling from the legendary banner this time, focusing on green, hoping to get my last Amelia, and some more Effie. The red heroes are all good too. Colorless has Elise who can be strategically important. Blue features 2 beautiful past limited heroes, Charlotte and Lucina, and I don’t mind getting more blessings either. Gunnthra is the big win in this banner for most people, since she’s the new legendary hero, and the first with reversed blade tome. We will talk more about her later.

I’d love to have all of them, but I’m a F2P. Let’s be realistic. If you remember my simulation last time, you need on average 65 orbs to get a green or any of the 4 colors. You need more if you want to draw with any other combinations. So I’m focusing on green to hoping get my last Amelia. This is really a great green pool for anyone who hasn’t got a +10 Amelia yet. Amelia is still the best hero to max to score the highest in arena. And she’s in the same pool as the green legendary hero. Unfortunately I my previous luck seemed gone this time. Since I got my Winter Tharja and Reinhardt in one round, I haven’t got any 5 stars. My pity rate was climbing to 9.5%, which is actually not that bad compared to my main account (14%). But the problem is, I don’t have any more orbs and the banner is ending tonight. It’s such a pity to let the high pity rate go wasted.

So I decided to get as many orbs as possible from the January quests today, until I clear my pity rate. And after it’s reset, I will never touch this banner again. I’m so glad I did – I got an Amelia, and also a Gunnthra! Other draws worth mentioning is I got a Klein who will turn into a brave bow for my brave Lyn.

So I’ve got all Amelia I need. It also means I’m free from my green only rules from now on. Well, I still have 2 Hectors to go. But my orbs in Jan will probably go into the flying singer pool for Azura. The more singers the better until you get 6 different ones.

FEH Armor Emblem Day 45

Winter is a great time for fire emblem heroes. There is the current Christmas winter’s envoy banner. There will be a legendary hero banner soon for new year.

My Armor Emblem account focuses on armored heroes. And the winter envoy banner is all about armor.

  • Winter Tharja – the strongest arena hero if you aim at highest arena scores. BST 164 (since you want to have -spd which -4), mage and red (remember the strongest armored unites so far are all green?). Excellent stats spread thanks to the super low speed.
  • Winter Chrom – highest atk value in the game at 40, tied with Effie. Super low speed means he would have higher other stats.
  • Winter Lissa – bold fighter is one of the strongest skills in the game. If you give it to Chrom together with a brave axe+, no one can stop him. Lissa also has the highest BST in the game now, even beat Amelia by 2 points.
  • Winter Robin – blue Amelia with higher BST. Excellent skills.

You see, all of them are good. All of them provide great inheritable skills for armored units. But I don’t have many orbs for the banner after the Amelia / Tana one. Btw I didn’t get my 11th Amelia from the banner. I got a +spd Tana though. I let the Amelia banner end at 3.75% rate because I realized +9 is enough for me now, and I can get her at any time later, but the Xmas banner is limited. I decided to go for the Xmas banner for a single Tharja. The reason: I don’t have enough feathers to get my Amelia the matching armored team yet. If I want to proceed in the arena (I’m lv 17 now), I need to have an intermediate solution. Winter Tharja is the perfect fit here. Even without merge, she has high def / res compared with other armored units. And to compensate for low atk, the standard solution is to use a blade weapon. You can easily add 20 to your atk. Anyway, that’s my justification of drawing the banner . All other heroes are good too if I don’t see a red stone in my try. I can inherit their skills.

My very first draw with the free chance gave me a Ninian. I was really happy about it. I need more dancers or singers. I paired her with Deirdre because I realized how useful Deirdre is in PVE.

My second pull net me nothing. I saw my orbs dropped from 46 ish to 19ish. It’s really unwise to draw when I don’t have more than 80 to make sure I can clear the pity rate in the end, but I just felt the urge to draw. I’m glad I did in the end: my very last 3 pulls gave me this:

W!Tharja is of course good (Res-spd). But also a Reinhardt?! I can’t be happier. Now my B!Lyn has a new companion. I gave both of them resposition and hone cavalry. I merged my 2 B!Lyn to the atk-hp one because I don’t have extra reposition skills to spare. And I don’t think I will ever feed B!Lyn, the strongest hero in the game, to any other heroes. I cleared special battles with ease afterwards.

Now my armored team looks like this: Amelia, Effie, W!Tharja, Amelia 2nd. The Amelia 2nd will be replaced by Fae in future. W!Tharja might be replaced by Draug eventually.

Armor Emblem day 27

It’s been a while since I updated my F2P armor account. I was busy accumulate orbs to draw from the legendary banner. My F2P account was still lucky that it got a +Atk -Hp B!Lyn (Wow), which I will not merge, a Deirdre, an Ike, and 2 Ayra. It was also unlucky, because what I really wanted were Hector (as many as 4) and Spring Camilla. I have been draw from green only, unless I saw a 5* when my pity rate was high enough, or when there was no green stone presented. I was surprised too when I got both Ike and Ayra in one round, with only 9 orbs left. I wished I accumulated more orbs to draw that round so that I can open the rest of the round, which were only red and colorless.

Anyway, I stopped drawing after Ike and Ayra together broke my pity rate towards a Hector. Because I heard that on 14th, Amelia will be in the banner again. I want one more of her. I don’t have any distant counter skills yet. I don’t even have a second armored unit to use in arena at the moment, making Amelia quite useless. So right after I got 20k feathers, I promoted a 4* Effie, even though her IV is bad: HP-Atk. I don’t mind, because I will upgrade new Effies until I got +10. It’s hard to get blue unit though, due to my drawing strategy (green only when drawing with orbs).

The major difference from 20 days ago, was FEH 2.0. IS strengthened dragons and staff users. Some suggested that new players should try to get a dragon team for arena, instead of the traditional armored team. But I checked high value dragons (I.e. young dragons). Only Nowi and Fae are obtainable at lower than 5*. You still need another 2 non-dragon unless you want to pull Tiki young, who is real 5. With Amelia in hand, I would still focus on Armored team. I would expect to see more dragons in arena though, which makes it important to raise RES. I plan to upgrade my Amelia’s weapon with the +res option. The reason: +Res gives you +4, while +Spd gives you +3. There’s no +Atk, only +Mt option, which doesn’t give you any bonus on BST. I need BST bonuses since I can only +9 now, plus my other team members are not +10 yet.

I also want to give my Effie the Slaying Lance+ weapon, since she’s -ATK. I can get one from my 5* Shanna, but I only have one of her and she has great IV. So I will wait for my next 20k Feather. The plan is promote a weak one with the weapon to 5*, get all 3000 HM first, and then eat the weak unit. But IMO at this stage the best weapon for Effie is the Ridersbane+. I don’t have one though.

Once I upgraded enough normal weapons, I can upgrade my Linde’s, so she will have the same weapon as Delthea.

FEH Legendary Hero Fest Banner Statistic Analysis

The legendary Hero fest banner will arrive today at 11 pm PST. Are you excited and prepared?

We have talked about what the hero fest banner pulling strategy from hero strength perspective.  It’s a no brainer to draw from the banner if you need all 3 heroes of a color. But I bet some of you still wonder:

  1. I have some of the heroes already, shall I draw with all my orbs or wait for a normal 3% pool?
  2. I have only 80 orbs, but I want Hector, I want Brave Lyn, Ayra is nice to have, I don’t mind getting another Spring Camilla … , how shall I draw?

So this time, let’s see the questions from the statistic perspective.

The Motivation

Someone may ask, the probability is 8%, if you want one out of the three heroes, it’s 2.67%. And a normal banner has 3% up rate. Isn’t that clear enough? The answer is, this banner is special that it excludes all other 5 stars.

First of all, let’s make it clear that even though IS used 8% to generate 5 stars, the rate of when you see a certain color, and then open it, expecting to see a 5 star is totally different! Let me give you an extreme example. If you exclude all red 4* and 3*. So the only reds in the banner would be the 3 up heroes (Ike, Ayra and Celica). IS can still make them appear at 8% rate, but if you only open red stone (if you see red), the 5* rate is 100%. Of course the probability of seeing a red stone is low in this case, that’s why I wrote a simulator to replicate exactly what IS described they do to find out the real numbers.

The set up

I basically wrote a FEH Gotcha simulator which I call it FM FEh Simulator (FM is short for First Minute). I can specify who are the up heroes. what’s the initial up rate, 5 star rate, 4 star rate. My simulator handles pity rate, that does exactly the same as IS describes in the Gotcha banner, “More info”. That is, if you don’t have any 5* in 5 draws, the rate of 5 star will increase by 0.5%, distributed between the up and other 5* heroes. I have also handled the case if there are none of your preferred color. You have to draw at least one. And of course I know the first draw each round of 5 stones costs 5 orbs, last costs 3 orbs, while the rest costs 4.

And then I specify a way to draw from the banner, and let it run, say 10,000 draws. It will give me the result of what up heroes I got, how many, total 5 stars, spent orbs, and calculate the orbs needed per 5 star heroes.

The Data

I used real data in my simulator. Gotcha games in Japan are required to publicize the drawing mechanic. The rate you use, the rewards you give. So IS listed clearly what heroes are in what categories. I checked the most recent banner  – Tempest trial (featuring 4 brave heroes), and the oldest banner available today – Halloween which was available a month ago. They have exactly identical hero lists besides up heroes. So I put them into my database.

The methods

I used two different ways to simulate so that I can cross verify the results. One is based on Excel, with real hero data even for three stars. The other is programmed in Java, using only stats, since I realized I don’t care about what 4 star or 3 star heroes I got. I did keep the up hero list just for fun.

The good news is, results from the two simulators agree with each other.

The Result

In this 8% hero fest banner, if you try to draw only from one color, the orbs needed for each 5 star is:

Red 60
Blue 53
Green 45
White 53


Amazing, huh? I’ve never expected the difficulty to draw a hero of a certain color would be different! Green is the easiest and red is the hardest. I.e. you need more orbs to draw an up hero in red. No wonder my armor sub account obtained 10 Amelia with only 300 orbs but I could never do that for Ike even though Ike was in starter banner at 5% rate!

But on another thought it’s easy to understand. There are more red heroes in this game. So after it’s determined the stone is not an up hero, there’s a higher chance that it’s red. As a player who see the 5 presented stones, red stones appear more. But if you poll the red stones, there’s less chance for it to be an up hero compared with other colors. 1 out of 100 is smaller than 1 out of 20.

If you determine to draw from 2 colors only, or all 4 colors, the rate (orb / 5 star) is different.

Green and White 46
Green and White and Red 48
All 4 Colors 46

You see, the number of 5 stars you obtain is roughly the same if you draw from all 4 colors vs. only from green. So if you want more Hector, and don’t have enough orbs, feel free to draw only green.

If you have many orbs, it’s still recommended that you draw from this banner on those you need. If you need the hero, you will need to draw him or her anyway. Rather than wait until a 3% banner, you’d probably do it now. This is the orbs need to draw an up hero from a normal banner with 3% up rate:

Red 95
Green 76
White and Green 73

You see, if you need all 3, the rate in the hero fest banner is much better. You save 40% of orbs. If you need 2 out of the 3 in a certain color, it’s still better (obviously). If it’s 1 out of 3 that you are interested in, it’s not much worse. I have that simulation run for you too, but for red only. After all, who would *not* draw the green if you want the heroes!

2 heroes green 63
2 heroes white and green 63
2 heroes 4 colors 62
1 hero green 100
1 hero 4 colors 94

Btw my armored account has done 2 out of the 4 Michalis grand hero quests. I’m yet to beat the Inferno difficulty. I wish I had a strong red sword horseman!

Day 10 Bound Hero Banner and Arena

The bound hero battle this time is harder for my sub since I don’t have a Fortify Cavalry skill to support my Brave Lyn. I have so far only beat the lunatic in this video.

Besides bound hero battle, I’m slowly stepping up in Arena Tier. Since I’m pretty low in the tier, it’s really easy to get to the top and snatch the highest reward I can get. Here is the Arena team, no pluses.

Day 9 FEH, Brave hero banner coming back

It’s such a wonderful banner. Every single one of them is strong. Brave Lyn – the strongest in the game, no competition. Brave Roy – he has the chance to kill all in the field if you have a singer / dancer. Brave Ike – great BST, great defense. Not even red sword Ike can kill  him easily (like, not in 2 hits). Brave Lucina – the best buff in the game that covers everyone except tome users. Normally you would want to draw from this banner. It’s 5 star rating. Maybe even better than the new hero fest one.

But I will follow my own rule and only draw Amelia (1 left), Hector (4-5), or Blue red with more higher rate (total 8% or higher). So I stopped after the free pull which gave me Henry. I have 101 in my box so far. I’m  patiently waiting for the new hero fest banner. Other than that I’m not doing much things. I’ve leveling up in training tower with auto-play only. I have been too busy to clean up my main account’s box to empty some space for the upcoming fest. Meanwhile I was evaluating should I try to max Hector and Spring Camilla in my main this time. There won’t be much change in my sub as I have 17 orbs right now. The normal expectation is 80-100 orbs for one 5*. With the future 40 orbs from tempest trial, I may end up with 1 or 2 5*. So there’s no much to think here. I will do all but blue in first round to build up pity rate, and only green in future round. If I got a 5* in the first round that’s good too.


Day 7 – Armor Emblem Challenge

I’m leveling up the new heroes today. I obtained two Olivia from the daily maps. I will not merge her. I need at least 3 of her. Besides that, I didn’t get many new orbs. Knowing the 8% banner coming up soon, I only plan to pull my starter banner which will expire soon. It also has total 8% 5* rate, with the 4 up heroes at 5% each. It will be a better choice for blue for me. Ninian is much better than any of those blue in the new banner. She also has the most beautiful profile in the game. In my opinion Ninian and performing Olivia are the most beautiful drawings in the game so far. The next one on my list is performing Azura. Ninian simply looks stunning. I still haven’t got her yet in either of my main and sub accounts. And Ike came to break my pity rate (but it was 5% anyway). He is a better Ike this time though. I had a Res-Spd one who is considered the worst. Now I got a Spd-Res one, I interpolate him as the best. But honestly I think the best IV for Ike is Atk-Res.

Oh, I forgot to mention I also drew a 5* Roderick with good IV (atk-res, while my 4* lv 40 one Spd-res). This is really a luck account. Can it carry on with its legend in the new banner? We will see.

FEH 11.27 8% Banner Analysis and Pulling Strategy

Every FEH player is tempted by the high 8% rate of drawing the powerful heroes in the banner. The question is only: when to stop.

But is it really much better than the old hero fest banners? Especially for new players who has 7 days to draw from the hero fest starter banner, featuring Ike, Ninian, Yulia, and Genny. Let’s first see who are in the 11.27 banner.

Red: Ike, Ayra, Celica
Green: Hector, Spring Camilla, Deirdre
Blue: The new Ice Queen, Bridal Caeda, Spring Xander,
Colorless: Brave Lyn, Bridal Cordelia, Genny.

I emphasized those that may be used in Arena matching team. The only two heroes not super useful are Spring Xander and Bridal Caeda. The two are still good, but others are great and can be in your final 28 Arena Assault teams.

Now let’s check the 5* rate. Even though the up rate is 8%, the total 5* rate is not changed from previous hero fest (5%+3%). IS dropped the normal 5% to 0. The problem is if the pity rate calculation is adjusted too. In past banners, for every 5 none 5*, you gain 0.25%+0.25% pity rate, total 0.5%. Now if the normal pool is kept at 0%, could it mean the up rate only increase by 0.25%? We don’t know until the banner is here. But even if they increase by 0.5% at a time, it’s still not always good.

Say if you want only one hero from a colour: I want the ice queen in blue only. The rate of getting her is only 8%/3 = 2.7%, less than the normal 3% pool. When you want 2 or more heroes from the same colour, go for it. But in most cases you will draw one before another. Do you stop here when the rate of what you want dropped to 2.7% for that colour?

Different strategies will be applied to different goals. I will split the type of users into these categories:

  1. Collectors who want to get one of each kind over the full life of the game. Or the more kinds the better.
  2. PvPers who would use only high plus heroes.
  3. Other F2P who just want some strong heroes to clean story, fight tempest trial or win grand hero battles.
  4. Fan of a certain char, certain series.

Collector strategy

For new collectors, if you have enough orbs, you should try to get all of them in this banner. You may get duplicates in the end, but because they are all powerful, it will be better than to wait for them to up again and draw from 3%+3% pools. After all, it’s hard to tell when they will be up again next time. Better to get them early when you are still playing the game.

If you don’t have enough orbs, the strategy would be to draw all 5 stones until you obtain the limited hero in that colour. Then you focus on the rest of the colours only. Once you obtain all 4 limited heroes, change to draw from those with more than 2 in one colour. And finally the better hero colour. In general, for this banner green > red > white > blue.

PvPer Strategy

PvP only cares about those who can be in your final team. They should focus on the matching team members first, meaning those worth +10. In this banner, Hector is the must have, for his A skill (distant counter). Ike, Ayra and Ice queue are great too. The rest of the bold heroes won’t have a position in the top team, but they can be in the rest of your 7 teams.

So set you target: plan on what final matching team you want to use. And know what you need. e.g. if you want to run an armored team with all 3* 4* ones, you may only need 5 Hectors in total. Also list other heroes you want and draw all the colours in your list.

Things to note. If you want to +10 only one hero in a colour, you may want to wait for it to be up alone. You saw how I draw my Amelia when she’s one of the 3 ups, and the only green colour. My 5% rate was like 20%, so 8% is not guaranteed to be better. For my Amelia account, I definitely want to draw Hector this time. Not to +10 him (impossible to +10 on two real 5* for F2P), but get the distant counter for my other members. I need 4 so I will want 5 Hectors. Hector has been up 2 times recently and if I miss this I may need to wait for a long long time. Plus the other 2 in green are great also. Green is the best colour for me this time.

Even though red is a great colour this time too, think twice before you want to +10 within this banner. Probability theory said you need 20% more orbs compared with other single +3% banner to +10. You will get side products. But between Ike and Ayra you will want only one in your final team. Celica may not have a position there given that Reinhardt is everywhere in Arena.  Deirdre on the other hand can check Reinhardt.

The colourless one is a hard question. On one hand you have the strongest hero in the game that +10 will be useful in all situations. On the other hand we have the colourless hell. And then because of the staff enhancement announcement, the hell may become heaven. Who knows. I have a +atk B-Lyn in main account and I know how good she is. However I will stick with my own rules and not draw colourless before I get enough Hectors. My Amelia account doesn’t plan to have Lyn in the final team anyway.

F2P Strategy

My first advice: don’t draw blue. The only great one in blue is the new ice queen, who will be given for free just like Brave Lyn anyway. Whales will be interested in max her, but what’s the point for F2P.

Then, pick the one you want most and focus on that colour first. If you are more like a collector like I am, maybe you want to draw green still to get spring Camilla. Without her it’s hard to build a flying team. But flying team is only for fun these days, due to the Brave Lyn threat.

As a F2P, be cautious to not let the banner temp you to pay. The banner looks good, but can you live without it? Absolutely. Even the limited heroes come back again. With patient, you will still get them in future, or get a stronger one. Let me go through them one by one with you to tell you what you want to focus one.

The 4 limited heroes: they should be your first priority if there’s one you really want. I think only the spring Camilla is worth it. Even her is optional as you’d hardly need a flying team. You want a flying team to earn the monthly orb, but that’s only one per month, and you can do it without her. Halloween Nowi is a better choice than her if you have to choose between the two. I don’t mind getting S-Camilla as a side product. But it’s OK to miss her. The other 3 are so so. You have Lyn already so you don’t need to spend money on another ranger. If you don’t have Brave Lyn yet? Well. go for colourless hell!

Next, the top tier close fighters. Ike, Ayra, Hector. Ice queen can be obtained for free so she’s out of the question. Ike has been up for many times. Both him and Hector can counter distant. Hector’s CD can be inherited. Ayra is a new strong hero, but you see Mia coming. Same base values, similar skills. There will be more like this in future. Ayra is not unique. They are all great to have, but in my opinion not worth the dollars as they won’t be in your final matching team. As a F2P, I don’t think you will have them +10 or near to be in the final team. If not for the match team, there are many replacements, except for Hector. I guess if you accumulated enough orbs, you will get a Hector. I guess it’s ok if you spend some money to clean up the pity rate in the end if you still expect a Hector. I’m more optimistic that I think I can get enough of him by playing the game for free. If I miss him this time, I can still try next time. Before I have enough Hectors, I will just use my horse emblem.

After the limited heroes and close fighters, there are the mages and healers. Celica, Deirdre, B-Lyn,  Genny. For red mage you always have the choice of Tharja. Celica is totally optional. Would you pay your hard earned dollars on someone optional? If the answer is yes, you never were a F2P. Deirdre is good, really good if you don’t have Yulia already. The good news is she’s green, that you may get her already when trying to pull Hector. If you have enough Hectors but still don’t have Deirdre, you know you can wait for her own banner to increase the rate. Genny is in colourless hell. You should have a B-Lyn already as F2P. She was given for free. None of the rangers (except for B-Lyn) have a position in your match team so it’s OK if you only have one of each. And without pluses, most of them can be replaced. But of course B-Lyn and Genny have no replacement. However no one really care about staff users. You don’t need Genny’s skill as much as you want Hector’s.

Fan Strategy

It’s easy to conclude here. Just focus on your favorite. If you plan to +10, better wait until a standalone banner.

Here is my own wish list in order. I have B-Lyn, Ayra, Hector already in my main. B-Lyn, Ike in my sub.

  1. Hector, 5 of him.
  2. Spring Camilla
  3. Deirdre. I only have Cecilia as my green mage. I need more.
  4. Ike. I just like him.
  5. Bridal Cordelia. I like the drawing. For collecting purpose.
  6. Ayra.
  7. B-Lyn
  8. Celica
  9. Bridal Caeda
  10. Ice queen
  11. Spring Xander
  12. Genny

Finally, best luck to everyone who plan to draw from the banner. I will spend all my orbs here, because I don’t think I would get 5 Hectors before I consume them all. I may do a rolling video but I found that draw 1-2 a time suits me more. If you draw all of them in one run, your draws will be averaged among themselves. Meaning you will see a closer to 8% rate. If you spread them out, extreme cases may happen that you maybe super lucky, or super unlucky. The extreme case is more fun for me.